An experience for the entire family!
The Elk Park and Elk Shop are easily accessible from the E4, 10 km north of Ljungby, in Småland – the Kingdom of the Elk!
Meet the king of the Forest!
In the wild the elks is very shy and rarely spotted
In Elkland – Laganland you will get really close to this grand animal
Meet the Kinf of the Forest
Visit Elkland Laganland to meet majestic elks, who are more than happy to have their photo taken and be fed with tasty birch leaves! If the elks are hungry, you can feed them yourself…
Museum of Man & Hunting
The entrance to the Elk Park also includes an exhibition on how people lived and hunted from the Stone Age to the modern day.
An outdoor exhibition in the Elk Park shows a year in the life of the elks in words and pictures. (In Swedish, English and German)
Opening hours
Sweden Shop Wintertime:
Open Monday – Friday 10:00-16:00
Monday 6 Januari CLOSED
The same opening hours during tourist season as Sweden Shop.
Laganland – an experience for the entire family
- Älgpark open April-October
- Älgshop open all year
- Turistbyrån open all year
More activities:
- Inomhus Lekland
- Jaktia & Motorservice
- Hotell & Taverna
- Golf Pay and Play
- Cliff Burton Museum
- Människans & Jaktens Muséum
Laganland Charging Station
Fast-charge your electric car at Laganland! Fast-charging stations in the car park.